Magento 2

Magento 2

Two hundred thousand store owners can’t be wrong; they all trust Magento to power their online stores, and Magento 2 is the latest incarnation of this world-dominating eCommerce platform.

Magento 2 is a capable and feature-rich platform out of the box. With its vast developer network, and the Magento marketplace, its flexibility to meet the functional requirements of even the most demanding businesses makes Magento genuinely groundbreaking.

Whether your brand focuses on B2C or B2B sales or both, Magento will grow to meet your needs and even expand your reach to allow growth and expansion into new channels and territories. Please don’t take our word for it; contact Actuate today to arrange a free Magento 2 demonstration to see how versatile and powerful the Magento platform truly is.

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eCommerce in the bag

Adobe designed M2 to run flawlessly out of the box, with the base platform boasting a myriad of features and tools aimed at making eCommerce easier and more prosperous for businesses and brands. Magento 2 includes baked-in features such as advanced marketing, catalogue management, SEO and content management without additional modules or extensions.

If you’ve used or are still using (you need to read this) Magento 1, you’ll know how straightforward it is to use and will have experienced the benefits of its core tools. Like any upgrade, M2 takes all of that to a whole new level delivering its most stable, user-friendly and scalable solution yet. Enhance your business’s future through the extensions available on the Magento Marketplace, you’ll be amazed at what is possible.

M2 Features

We’ve put together a small sample of the excellent features Magento 2 includes with its core platform. If you require additional functionality, Magento has you covered, thanks to Actuate, the exhaustive Magento Marketplace and the extensive developer community supporting the Magento platform.

open source

Open Source, developer-based community

Rebuilt from the ground up on next-gen architecture, Magento 2 gives you complete control over your code.

personalised shopping

Personalised shopping

Engaging shoppers is key to conversions, and M2 provides a seamless and personalised customer experience.



In short, get more done faster! Whether that is growing your store or the day-to-day management of your shop.


Extra Muscle

The Magento Commerce platform features a staggering 50% faster page load time across critical pages like the cart and checkout.


Secure, PCI Compliant

Security is more significant than ever, and M2 comes with enhanced security out of the box, including its payment gateways like PayPal and Braintree.

easier to maintain

Easier to maintain

M2 is easier to patch, upgrade, and extend with its new modular approach, leaving you more time to grow your business.

Still on Magento 1? Time to upgrade

Already on Magento?

Magento 1 is now unsupported meaning there is no more support from Adobe and no more security updates. Magento 2 will not only continue to receive ongoing patches and enhancements but it will improve your site’s performance whilst helping to improve the customer experience especially when checking out.

Magento 2 has all the third-party modules Magento 1 had and more, allowing you to take your online store to the next level.

Find out more

Take a look at our work

0 – £2m
In under 12 months

Oh Polly

Oh Polly

From eBay to a household brand we helped Oh Polly launch their first Magento store packed with features from a live Instagram feed, Out of stock subsciptions and loyalty rewards.

View case study
Peaceful Hooligan - Magento eCommerce fashion store

Increased turnover

Peaceful Hooligan

Peaceful Hooligan

A young and up-coming casual clothing brand whose expansion across the UK needed to provide their loyal customers with a slicker, faster and feature rich eCommerce solution.

View case study